
VrTank is a VR game. In this game, the player controls a small RC tank, the goal of the game is to survive for as long as possible. To control the tank, the player holds a controller in one hand, and the joystick controls the tank, to aim the canon the controller shoots a laser, and the cannon automatically aims toward the laser pointer. This version is the first playable version. In this state, the game contains one map, and a hammer, which can heal 2 health points of the tank by hitting it physically. Each round also spawns a mine that can be dropped on the map. Once on the map, if a tank, the player, or an enemy run into it, it blows up and causes 2 damage.

The game is coded in Unity with C#. The enemy tank is controlled with a navmesh. All of the visual assets come from the asset store. For the coding part, the only part that comes from the asset store is the open XR plugin for VR. The rest of the code is done entirely by hand.

French version


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